So, is this Lost Chapter really worth playing? Or should it remain lost?
Anyway, The Lost Chapters add's new items, tattos, places to explorer, and etc. However, the real big change is a new chapter that begins when the original Fable ended. It tell the story of what heppend one year after the last game vents, and takes you to the so-cold areas of north of albiion. This chapter adds a few more hours to the game, and the quality is as good as the original. Ultimatly, it is a very good excpention.
So far so good, is it? Well, here comes what really bodders me, the story it self, feels kinda "Cut" at the middle. Thu the main excpentions tory is good, its like you can feel a big black screen at the middle, between the point where the original fable left, and where the new one start.
What makes it more of a problem, is that its not like I actuality knew where the expcention starts, because I didn't [at that point] playwed the original Fable yet, and the fact that I easily recognized that, shows how bad the excpentions tarts. Aside from it, thu, its great.