Well lets face it. This game is like a fantasy rpg mixed with a comedy comic book.
That aside the story is great and very gripping. The side quests are fun and some of the lines are funny. The emotions are fun to play with but as the title says are just like things from a comedy comic book which after a while get more stupid than funny.
The combat includes ranged, melee and magic. The more you use one the better it gets while experience also drops as general experience which can be spent on any combat specialty. While bows are fun it is slightly underpowered at early levels. Most people find themselves using a magic melee hybrid.
Stealing items is interesting and requires skill to do. Failure will cause guards to chase after you oblivion style.
The graphics aren't the best in the world but in a role playing game with this many joke emotions you really won't be bothered with having trouble becoming immersed.
What sucks about the game is if you get the colorful sword from the first storyline then the game becomes easy until you start the second storyline.
Also tons of stuff from the game is forgettable and some side quests don't have enough incentive to do.
Fable was a great game but not one that I will be replaying anytime for at least a few months.