DO NOT BUY THIS GAME! This game will keep you up all night, trying to finish "one last thing" It's freaking horrible me and my four year old are fighting for TV time. Hell, I'll come out and say it, I've even put off feeding my kid lunch till like 1:30p, just trying to play around and fix up houses and all that fun stuff. Peter M. sold his soul long ago, back when he was in on Populous back in the day, and I believe he is the son of Satan here to suck us all in using a strange mind control device. It's disgusting. Really and trully, it's a great game and the feeling of being able to do whatever you want never get's old. Everything in this game is awesome. This is my first 9+ I believe and it is well deserved. I know I'm gonna go back and play again being a mean bastard, and I can't keep playing a game more than once, I got ADGD (Attention Deficit to Games Disorder) where I can't play games for longer than 1-2weeks or over again once a beat it. Well this one I will be definately playingthis one through. Allright all. Peace
We all know about Fable. It was one of the most incredibly hyped games of this generation. In September of 2004 it finally released after many delays. While it may not have lived up to the hype, its still a good game tha... Read Full Review
RPG fans will love Fable due to the wonderfully done RPG feel the game gives you along with a somewhat epic storyline and a great battle system. Fable is about a young boy whos life is trashed....His parents are kille... Read Full Review