Fable: Lived up to the hype

User Rating: 9 | Fable XBOX
Gameplay: The gameplay of this game is the best of any console rpg. It's really quite amazing. Alot of it is hack N' slash, but you still need to block (which i havent seen in a console rpg) and the auto combos they do, are fun to see. Now what made me really like the combat system, was the bow an arrow use. The Best! I loved it. You could either auto with it, or go all out and target yourself (which is the most fun). With that said, the camera angle gets tricky the first time you play, but quickly grows on you. The controls are, well, nothing is wrong with them. Graphics: Gorgeous. When it's day, it is simply pretty. Just looking at the trees and the lighting effects during day can last you awhile. When its night, its hard to say its "gorgeous" but it is awesome. Not much else to say except, its one of xboxs best. Sound: When soundtrack, think Lord of the Rings. Which is a good thing. The sounds of combat is also great. Only downfall is the voice acting isnt quite there. But the soundtrack easily makes up for it. Value: Now this is the most controversial part. Ok the main quest is short. But i said MAIN QUEST is short, not the actual game. This game is NOT meant to be rushed through. I made the mistake of rushing it and missed the big points the game tried to make. Well i didnt exactly rush through it but i could have spent a good 3-6 more hrs with the game, if not more. Also this game can easily be played another time through. After two times you can pretty much accomplish the game. But could still be fun to others, if played more then twice through. I beat the game in 13hrs 33mins. Now keep in mind i said i could have spent more time with the actual game. Tilt: I really enjoyed the game. I hyped the crap outta the game and was kind of disappointed with the outcome of the game. But This game is a must have for any rpg fan, and should be in any xbox owners collection, right next to Halo.