Who among us can honestly say we weren't anticipating, with sweaty palms, the release of Fable. Personally, I expected the game to become the new Morrowind, one of my favorites, and had it pre-ordered years ago (literally). The game turned out very different than I expected, but not necessarily in a bad way. The graphics are gorgeous and could easily be determined flawless, but for a few times when the frame rate drops below its steady pace. The controlls feel very responsive and are easy to learn. The music is some of the best I've ever heard in a game and, like so many others have said, is easily the best part of the experience. These attributes alone are enough to make any game great, but what keeps it from passing into perfection? I think it's simply the ammount of content in the game. A mere twenty-five hours is what I drained out of it, and believe me I did everything. It's obvious, I think, that the game meant to hold a lot more content than the final product, as is suggested by the mention of dragons which are completely non-existent in the game, but I suppose the creators realized the public simply couldn't wait any longer. Don't let this fact stop you, however. There is definitly a lot of fun to be had here and if your indecisive on buying it, I say do it.
We all know about Fable. It was one of the most incredibly hyped games of this generation. In September of 2004 it finally released after many delays. While it may not have lived up to the hype, its still a good game tha... Read Full Review
RPG fans will love Fable due to the wonderfully done RPG feel the game gives you along with a somewhat epic storyline and a great battle system. Fable is about a young boy whos life is trashed....His parents are kille... Read Full Review