What Another RPG Legend~!!!!!!!!!!
Comparing Never Winter Night II (NWN2), Fable is much much more lively. Really ~! Maybe NWN2's player could reading or leading the same story, and the alike heroes. But Fable, you might not playing Hero but a Villain. A true villain!!!!
And the skins will be completely different as the times goes. A true RPG. I even try to fixed the problem ahead I got the mission. That's seldom happens in another same games.
But I still use my arch badly. It's hard to aimed. And personaly I was trapped in the prison for quite a while and couldn't break it through for 40 years. After i reinstall my computer several times, i miss the game. And I MISS IT as well.
For a long while i was just playing Mount and Blade, which compare the Fable is much more plain.
If you didn't play it yet, it's a must to try.Every times you play you may write down your own Fable, a different Fable. Hunred Men Lead Thousand Fable~!