Exactly what its made for
User Rating: 7.5 | Fable II Pub Games X360
Although its not a full fledged game it does exactly what it was intended to be used for. Made to be used as a way to gain early money and items for the full game of fable. Also being a way to expierience part of the game before it is released. I think being able to gain items and some or A LOT of money is very exciting and amazing that they did. With this you can get that extra push on your character to help him get going. Especially since you can't make easy money off of quests. so there you go a quick short review. now i'm just filling space because this thing is rediculous and expects me to write a long review for a small game that shouldn't even be called a game more of a short expansion ok hope this is enoughsdfsdjfksjdkjfkash;galha;gfkdsjfkds djasklhfkl;asdj ffjdskaljfks;dhg afjkdjfl;as hgjs'daj hglas'jfdk fhsd;ghal' hdslf;ajdkghas'