Good game....if you don't compare it to other stuffs.

User Rating: 8 | Fable II X360
The first Fable game promised us all kinds of choices that would effect our character, everything around us, the story, life itself, how the next election would go, and whether or not you would die alone. While it did provide some choices that effected your character a didn't live up to what it was supposed to do at all. For example, it seems like I'm going to die surrounded by loved ones.....sigh.

The second game promised to do all that as well. And again, it seems like a few choices effect a few things...but that's it. So once again...Hype:1, Reality:0.

But that's not to say it's a bad game. Far from it. It's still a solid RPG with an interesting story. And you get to decide how you look and act. You want to be a handsome hero that saves people and is favored by strong values? Go ahead. You want to be an ugly, alcoholic shell of a man that looks out for himself and hates humanity? Then go do that in real life and it's worked out pretty well...why rock the boat?

Plus you get to have a dog that you actually end up caring for. You help certain characters that are actually pretty interesting. You go through all kinds of trials and tribulations with tons of sidequests and upgrading and all of that RPG nonsense. So yeah, it's pretty cool. It's broad. It looks great. The UI's everything you expect from an RPG. So there really is no problem with it...unless you consider what it promised. And compare it to other games that do a better job of what this game was SUPPOSED to do. And consider how much money you paid for it. And play it for hours and hours and then your Xbox finally RED RINGS just after you've owned it longer than 3 years so the warranty is useless and you have to buy a new one and you hate yourself for giving microsoft more of your hard earned money that you have fought cried and bled for, just so bill gates can put more money in his big fat nerdy wallet while he laughs at you while you devlelop a horrible drinking habit WONDERING HOW YOU'RE GOING TO PAY THE DOCTOR BILLS!!

Then you'll be bitter. And angry. So don't do that...just try to enjoy.