The medieval accountant, Boros, now has been tasked with filing hammers into faces, with less story about why to do so.
As I was in the first game, I specialized in strength and magic, but this time, the magic is all you need, because there's only one boss in the whole game, and his main tactic is swarming you with his mates. Just like every other enemies in the whole game. He's stronger than the other's, though, so at least there's a reason they listen to him. However, there's a really bad glitch with this boss that really pissed me off. The boss in this game has no health meter, like the bossES did in Fable 1. When did sequels taking away stuff from the predicesor become acceptable? Did the dog add that much? Anyway, the singular boss in Fable 2 can be glitched to where he's indestructable. If you fight him for more than an hour, this glitch has happened, but I didn't know the glitch exsisted until I was fighting the boss for 4 f@%king hours! 4 patience testing, knuckle grinding, pain staking, god forsaken, turd burgling, willey shriveling, dick sucking, donkey f@%king, s#1t mongreling HOURS! God, the time between Christmases don't feel this long. Ok, I'm think I'm good now.
Anyway, if the glitch doesn't happen, the boss is piss easy. Just spam the heaviest area of effect spell you have. "So the difference in gameplay isn't for the best, but why did you give this game a higher rating than the first one?" Because there's a stronger emphasis on f@%king around, which I like. The f@%king around raises the immersion so much, that I forget about the faults, and that's what good games do. Contradictory, a lack of immersion can be a dog s#1t bullet between the eyes. It's hard to explain immersion, but getting into the game is usually the difference between good and bad, and Fable 2 does it better than Fable 1, even though Fable 1 had a better story, and if you saw my Fable 1 review, that's not saying much. Also, if you saw my Fable 1 review, you'd know the game was basically split into 2 parts. Murdering in the name of progress, and a medieval life simulator, and Fable 2 does this same thing, but really focused on the second one. You can run around buying houses, just like in the last game, and rent them out, or live in the house of your liking, like a medieval invester. Where there IS improvement is the side missions. The kooky characters that you meet during the side missions are way better than in Fable 1, which basically just stood there and told you what to do like little robots.
Actually, come to think about it, the characters just seem better in this game, all together. Marrying a girl in this game doesn't turn them into fickle b1#@hes, anymore. I just wish they would've kept the character design from the first game. Seriously, every one in this game seems fat as hell. Even to the point of being illogical at one point. There's one side mission late in the game where you must gather body parts of a character that was in the first game, and the mission granter has plans to reanimate the body parts. However, she was really thin in the first game, but here, as a zombie, mind you, is really fat. How does that make any sence, at all? Maybe death swelling, but that would only be the belly, and since she was split into parts, the swelling would've went down. I mean, she hasn't eaten in 100 years, how is she fat? Regardless, she does look better than any other character in the game, which also doesnt make any sence, but which ever. So, I jumped at it to tap that. That also royaly f@%ks up the timeline as well. The story involves the hero gene dying out, and seems to be in 4 bloodlines; balance (which you play as), strength, will, and skill. The balance hero gene is a single bloodline, so theoretically, then any children you have in the first game are also heros, and in the first game, I made it with Lady Grey, and in this game, she is the zombie that you can marry, and have kids with... The result is a bunch of backwater, retarded heros isn't it? As if it didn't creep you out enough.
However, yet another interesting scenario happened, with one of my kid's in this game being black. Now, both me and Lady Grey are as white as ghosts, but the kid is black... "Uh, honey? Is there something you'd like to tell me?" I looked it up online, just to find out that there is always a 10% chance of that happening, no matter the circumstances. Also, the kid started getting glitchy, by his skin color flashing back and forth between white and black, then he turned into 2-face. Half white and half black. This game seems to be alot more glitchy than the first one, as well, and the all important immersion recieves massives impacts from certain ones, but all in all, the first Fable never reached the immersion levels for me that this game did, even if Fable 2 gets hurt massively by certain things, and I'd half to recommend this game over Fable 1, just because I enjoyed this one more. They're both good games, and I'd recommend them both to RPG fans, but I like this one a little better, so take that for what it's worth.