This game will suck you into its world so fast that you will find it hard to leave its world.

User Rating: 10 | Fable II X360
This game is like the best game ive ever played...............ive completed the main quest and im never gonna delete my profile on it sine i have everything in albion...........i own almost every building......including fairfax castle, brightwood tower, and bloodstone mansion and cementary i will never leave albion for good...I will soon exspand my expirence when i get more mirosoft points....i will get both game add ons.....I will also get fable 3 when it comes out and become king of albion....well I will talk about fable 3 when i review it.......fable 2 is the best rpg ever......if you dont got it your no gamer....well your a gamer just not as much as you could be........but if you dont like this game because of shortness or glitches its alright its your choice.....but the best choice you could make is to play this game and be good as pie...or evil as heck!!!!!!But i prefer good as pie since people will like you better that way.....but if you prefer evil its can get rich quicker.....but i get really rich being good since i am everyones landlord and i own countless this game will suck you in to its world and it will be hard to leave it.....well for goodness sakes get that inportent stuff like homework or work done before you get sucked in......peace out!