An Epic game....but has a few annoyances here and there. (**significant spoilers contained***)

User Rating: 9.5 | Fable II X360
So here we are reviewing Fable 2.....hmmm. Well, for starters I loved the game! From beginning to end, it has a Fable 1 feel but just goes beyond the original formula to bring to a new level. When you set foot in Fable 2 and start to really flow with it, you can feel the roots from the first game shining through. However, 2 has its own identity also; it sets itself apart with the in depth expressions ability, and the new weapons/magic control mechanics. I do wish there was a sensitivity adjustment control for the aiming after you receive the Dex. 2 upgrade. Would have been better for poppin' heads with rifles, etc; instead of the aiming assist mech. given later from another upgrade. The dog, ah the dog! Well to be honest the dog had an extremely annoying side to it, but at the same time it was quite useful through finding the treasure chests. My biggest beef with the dog is the locating of dig spots, and the lame items found....with exception to the two silver keys! I truthfully was not disappointed overall, with exception to some of the glitches, bugs, etc. I personally, was quite lucky with my gaming experience up until the end of the game. After I finished the game, I went back around trying to get the remaining achievements and found out there is one nasty glitch in the game that can take your dog from you. It comes after you finish the DLC's, and are working on the Demon Doors. If you perchance chose the ".....for the many" path at the end, you will lose your dog, and family. However, Knothole island gives you the ability to revive your dog! Yay! But beware, the Demon doors! One in particular can cause much havoc for you, possibly! The door containing "Memory Lane" in rookridge, is cursed! Finish this demon door on the game before getting the DLC. So outside of that, it has been a fantastic experience that I hope to will spawn a worthy 3rd installment. This game can be the stepping stone to an awesome franchise.....congrats Lionhead! But please work out the bugs, and glitches!