An adventure for the ages show just how much desicion and consequences can contribute to a masterpiece game.
Desicions in this game are huge plus. Every little thing you do from when you are a little kid to when you grow up affects the experience. You can resist guards or turn yourself in. Also with the choicemaking comes the feature of buying businesses and homes. You can rent out the homes for money, and charge as much as you want for the businesses.
The story is absolutely amazing. You must grow to find the three heros of Skill, Will, and Strength. They will help you in your quest of vengeance. Along the way, you also have a dog to help you. He finds treasures and helps you in combat and grow on you very quickly.
Combat is very fluid. You can switch from magic to melee or range in a press of the button. Also, the new skills you unlock as you level up are very balanced. The controls are also very easy to learn and take little time to get used to. Graphics aren't the best, but they are overshadowed by the beautiful art of Albion which will make you think you are playing a game with almost realistic graphics. The environments and life choices are a huge part of the experience. There is also a coop mode that could have been better, but are fun to try out.
This game is a must buy. Noone can miss this game and it is a must for all types of gamers.
If you liked this game, try these suggestions:
1. Fable (Xbox Live Marketplace: 800 Microsoft Points)
2. Bioshock 2 ($59.99)
3. Dragon Age: Origins ($59.99)
4. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (Prices may vary)