On my 3rd playthrough, I start to realize how good this game really is.
But now, after staying away from it for awhile, and now I have xbox live, I have realised how good it is. I am now a much more Hardcore gamer, and really experience how good games are, what their flaws are, and how to fairly rate them.
The level designs are beautiful, the game has a good sense of humour, and the combat is stylish and fun. There is a-lot to do when the games main quest is finished, and there are 2 quite long Dlc's also. But I do have one complaint: The difficulty. Unless you play the game without buying new weapons or upgrading your skills, then the game is EXTREMELY easy. There is very little challenge involved, and the only thing in the game that proves a challenge is finding the final key, or gargoyle.
There is no real way of increasing the difficulty, except for maybe taking away the gold trail, which doesnt make the game harder, just more annoying. But that doesnt do much to damage the game. Money can be quite hard to make sometimes, depending on how lazy you are, or how much you choose to make a town a hellhole.
But it can give you a large feeling of accomplishment when you have to work very hard and slay many enemies to buy that new sword you have always wanted. But if you have xbox live, one thing that can really put a stop to this is generous people.
I am not saying its a bad thing when people randomly give you stuff, but when you are on the verge of that incredible feeling described above, and someone random gives you the money, then that feeling is gone. For example, I wanted to buy a master rifle, and I had nearly enough to get it. I had been working very hard to get the money, and was close to it. And then, as I was up at the temple of light, some random player, who turns out to be a very nice guy, ended up giving me a gift. Of 16,800 gold. And when you are on a new save, that is a large amount of money. And when a player has that amount of money, even if you give it all away, when you finally buy that sword you wanted, the feeling will be gone. But Im not saying this damages the game at all.
So all together, its an incredible game, expanded with live. Of course if you choose to play with another player, the camera angle becomes very frustrating.
This is a must buy on anyones list.