I was only half exciting for this game (because I thirst for Gears of War 2) til about a week and a half before it released. The week before the release I came to the realization that I finally had a new game coming out that I could probably lose hours and hours on. To make my point short..if you don't have this game..buy it already. For details i'll start by saying that there is SO much stuff to do in this game. The first night after I got my copy from the midnight launch I played for nearly 10 hours straight..and I havent even made a dent in the story yet. I was busy exploring, working for money, buying clothes and even just messing around in Co-Op with my friend. The Co-Op now is brilliant...you have an option to see just your friends playing, or everyone else in the world playing. You see them by seeing floating orbs everywhere with gamerpicture inside the orb. What's even more brilliant is that should you be using your Xbox Headset, you can talk to people through the orb. So in a sense the whole thing works like an MMORPG, you just dont see their character. You can interact with the orb, send people gifts, and have them join your game in the form of a henchman. Which at first I didnt like..but then i realized..if both characters were in the same world..then the game would be ridiculously easy having 2 super powerful heroes walking around. But the whole orbs idea is pretty revolutionary to console gaming..and it will be fun to see how many games adopt this idea in the future. This game is just purely amazing and everyone must experience this awesome awesome game.
Fable II is a game about choices. In its short but eventful journey that is set in the fantasy landscape of Albion, one plays the life of 'Little Sparrow', a muted hero who throughout the game, would make decisions that ... Read Full Review
By edubuccaneer | Review Date: Nov 10, 2008 | X360
After years in production, Peter Molyneux's piece, Fable II, is finally upon us on the Xbox 360. Following a similar mold from its 2004 predecessor, Fable II introduces new features and improves upon what the former game... Read Full Review