Fable 2 is all it's expected to be with some minor let downs.

User Rating: 8.5 | Fable II X360
The sequel to the the best selling xbox role-playing game is finally out and not a moment to soon. Without going into excruciating details, you start the story once again as a kid and quickly go through childhood and into adult hood. The story line of the game is indeed VERY short. I was expecting it to be short from other reviews but it's ridiculously short. As for the map being 10x bigger, I honestly don't see that. I think the map is roughly the same size. The interface of the game and controls are kind of annoying even after learning how to control everything. For instance, the d-pad is your action for most interaction with everything in the world and changes (seemingly) every few seconds thus making it hard to shortcut anything. Money is pretty easy to get for all you have to do is nothing. You accumulate money even why your xbox is off depending on how much property you own. In my opinion, I don't really like that. It makes the game EVEN shorter. But on the bright side, the games graphics and combat are amazing. The physics engine is completely redone thus allowing you to throw rag dolls around on their faces. I personally do feel Peter Molyneux (senior programmer of this game and Lionhead studios)hyped up his game quite a bit again. I was looking forward to a more interact able word. Basically, you can't really sit down and enjoy a meal with your family. In fact there's not really anything you can do with your family at all other then the limited expressions your guy has. The outfits in the game are also very limited. I've been searching EVERY clothing store across the land for the past few hours and the same, few, outfits show up every time. The sound quality is also superb. While fighting a rock troll, I was focusing on how amazing the sound of the rocks were crashing only inches from you. Your little companion is indeed a nice add on but gets boring quite quickly. All he basically does for you is find treasure. The good/evil balance seems mildly weighed in favor for the good people. It seems quite difficult to get people to think your funny yet REALLY easy to get people scared of you. Thus the prices of everything go up making everything more expensive and making everyone hate you. It's super hard to get on the side of good but really really easy to fall 'the dark side'. You CAN turn off the dust trail and the other player orbs so it makes the scenery nice and not all cluttered with interface and readouts. The maps of the game seem hard to understand to me. Therefore I still haven't found a city and I've been searching everywhere.
So with that said, I give you a summary of the good and bad:

Good: Sound quality is amazing. Graphics are pretty good. The open ended world is more open ended then the previous yet still has some mild ridiculous limitations. The story is good. And it's addicting. Pub games are really fun.

Bad: Story is short, interaction is much less then what you'd expect from an rpg, outfits/character customization is somewhat limited. The maps are pretty confusing.

All in all it seems this game was rushed and could have been A LOT more in depth. But it provides hours of fun, unique game play none-the-less thus giving it a...

GOOD 8.5/10