Not off to a good start...

User Rating: 7.5 | Fable II X360
Fable 2 was the first in a series of games that I have pre-ordered this fall/winter.
- Fable 2
- Fallout3
- Gears 2
- WoW Wotlk

So far I can't say it is off to a good start. As a huge fan of fable 1 I was extremely excited about the possibility of returning to Albion. The lack of any real consequences and the rediculously easy way to earn money means that you are going through the gameplay almost as if to get through the narrative. Ofcourse there are alot of funny moments and side quests that are interesting but when the battles are easy to win, money is even easier to make Fable 2 becomes something that feels like an interactive story book. Very fancy, and funny interactive story book but still very dissapointing. The first game was awesome if a bit short and while the idea of your actions having repercussions was neat it did not have the depth that would have made it even more interesting and invited multiple replays of the game.

Fable 2 has similar short comings, yes if you're a bad boy ppl. will hate you, you'll grow horns etc etc. If you're good you'll get a lil halo and what not. But again, the good vs. bad doesn't quite have too many differences other than that and it is far too easy for you to get through the game... Only way for me to challenge my self in battles is to purposely nerf my self. Instead of using the best weapons available (which is easy with the abundance of gold) I would have to use some of the worst gear. Instead of using the most useful spells I would have to start spending points on less effective spells to make the game challenging.

It's too bad, because I was hoping that this game would build on the last one. Am I going to finish the game? Yes ofcourse, I paid my money for it and the collectors edition box is opened and with all my complaints I will still enjoy the funny scripts and the game narrative. But in the end next Tuesday when fallout3 comes out, I don't see myself returning to Albion for a very long time...