Every mechanical issue that the original Fable lacked now comes in Fable 2 at the price of a horrible game plot.

User Rating: 7.5 | Fable II X360

So yeah... I just beat the game. I haven't been this disappointed since the anti-climactic ending of Bioshock. I would like to start of by saying I was one of the people who was extremely aggravated at the game review sites that gave Fable 2 a lower score than a 9. I figured that with all the features that were announced, there was no way that this game could be given such 'low' a score. Well after beating it, I'm thinking a 7.5 would have been a lot better. Fable TLC is by far my FAVORITE game. Cool Villain, great story. Probably the three most memorable moments were when I sacrificed all the warriors in order to fight Jack. Hearing his voice tell me to betray everyone was epic. Then of course there was the betrayal by Maze and the decision on whether or not to put the Mask.

Fable 2 has great new features, but for me it had absolutely no plot. I get to meet Lucien 3 times the entire game. The first when he kills my sister, the second in the Prison place, and at the end in the final battle. And by battle, I of course mean pressing "Y" once and killing him with one shot. (WTF?) Great boss fight-- not. I can't really recall what exactly made me a 100% evil character. I didn't kill my sister, I didn't kill my comrades, hell I didn't even get to kill my dog. I just kept playing and hoping that sooner or later I would get a chance to kill Theresa, or all the fighters that helped me. Oh wait, that is not a choice... instead I get 3 extremely lame cards. Lets see now, wear Jack's mask and merge with him to become a god, or choose for all my friends to remain dead and instead get 1 million gold. =/

Honestly guys, how could you in any way defend this game when it comes to the plot? Sure it has cool features, and great graphics… that however does not excuse the extremely lame plot.