An awsome game in it's own right, but should have never been released with so many problems.

User Rating: 6.5 | Fable II X360
Fable 2 may not have lived up to everybody's expectations, but for the most part they hit the nail right on the head.

Graphics: The graphics are beautiful. The cities, landscapes and characters are very detailed.

Sound and Voice: Excellent! The music, sound effects and voice acting are all top notch.

Fun Factor: Very high. Combat is very fluid and interactive just like they said it would be. Not just a normal hack-n-lash, unless that is what you're going for. It can be as complicated or as simple as you want. A little easy and death isn't all that scary, but overall very fun!

So, why the 6.5 with all these good points? See below:

Stability and pollish: Horrible. There are more than just a few game breaking bugs in this game. Several little glitches around every corner. Not everyone has experienced them, but many have. I myself have not run into any game-breakers, but plenty of odd things that scream "Where was QA!?! This game is not polished!". Information sticking on the screen. Quests not disapearing even though you've completed them. Monks that wont get out of the way and I mean just un-responsive and stuck. The list goes on and on.

Lionhead did make a great game, but only when it works correctly. I know we live in the time of downloadable patches, but something must be said about the released quality of work. Not everyone can patch and honestly no one should have to, especially not for bugs as obvious as these.

I definetily recommend the game, it truly is awsome, but would have to also recommend waiting a few months. Let them get the patches out first and make sure you have the ability to get those patches or you just might regret it.