Good but don't rush the main story There is so much more than it

User Rating: 9.5 | Fable II X360
OK so you see a lot of reviews on here saying, "oh the main story i beat in six hours" OK so good for you you played 1/4 of what the game actually is. There is so much more to this game like demon doors, silver chests, gargoyles, legendary weapons, property ownership, morality, and so so much more that you can't judge this game based on the MAIN quest. You have to include the side quests and all the side items and unlockables that you can find, you also have to consider how every area changes depending on your choices at certain points in the game and on seasons, yes every area changes from summer to fall to winter to spring and back to summer again.

I mean there is limitless things to find 30+ clothing dies, clothes themselves, many legendary awesome weapons along with gargoyles and silver keys/chests. Also getting all your skills maxed buying property and becoming the tyrannical emperor or the fair president of albion. Socialising with the local people and even getting married and having a child, you really feal like you are the guy in the game. You can change anything about yourself, get scarres from battle, and become great.

I would recommend this game for any rpg lover and even people that don't know what rpg is, just remember don't rush the main story and enjoy everything else in the game along the way.