As much as Fable didn't need The Lost Chaperts, to be any better Fable 2 needs a Lost Chapters to bring it home.
The basic and essential ideas like clothing and weapons that will be with you all game are unique
as well as blah and unimpressive. The character morphs from good to evil are lesser than even that of the first Fable. I like many was looking forward to transforming into complete evil and looking the part of a demon like that pictured in the first game trailer and on the Fable 2 cover. Instead I came off looking more like goat man than a hell spawn.
The money system through very effect and convenient, as time goes on serves to only take away from the enjoyable experience of finally having enough money saved up to buy that fantastic weapon upgrade. It lacks the finesse of the first Fable in that trading was the main means to gain wealth while owning buildings however fun was a very distant second. Not to mention the main exploit that many have used involving the system time clock on the 360 which allows the game to think that real years have past and so pays you accordingly. This allowing a gamer to obtain thousands even millions within a few mins.
The game itself is bigger and has great visuals. But personally I'd have preferred areas of the same size as the first Fable merely more of them. Instead we have less areas that are simply larger than that of the first Fable.
The story begins well enough but all but dies within the first few quests and hours while playing. If you play as evil you'll find your choices, paths and quests limited and interaction with people pretty tiring. The story finally picks up again when you complete main parts like recruiting the 3 other heroes in the game to your cause but this added with the ending serves only leave the player unfulfilled due to the lack of depth. In general there are 4 to 5 quests that really matter that will actually change the world in which you play in with a major visual impact. But sadly this choices are few and far in between. This leads to a lesser replay value sense the game favors a good character in general offering them more choices you'll probably only play through was an evil character for the achievements. Like a few I was in aw that the ability to completely destroy some towns and villages would be a possible while others could be made into full cities. This feature seems to have been played up and hyped to the point of simply being out right false.
Lastly the glitches that inhabit Fable 2 are some of the worst possible. Reports coming in with the Fable being so taxing on some 306's that they are getting a RROD appearing on the console. This paired with frequent loading times, spells that don't hit enemies that are moving too close to you, game freezes and disappearing characters including your dog add up to a disappointing experience for a game that has been hyped as being everything that Fable was and so much more. Fable 2 absolutely requires patching and a expansion to complete what feels more and more like a simple upgrade to Fable 1.5. As much as The Lost Chapters was a fantastic addition but not needed for the first Fable; Fable 2 needs a lost Chapters to clean it up, add more depth and story to a game that doesn't look, play or feel finished.