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User Rating: 9.5 | Fable II X360
Even though many people did not like Fable:TLC very much, I myself did not hype it up and found it to be my favorite game I had ever played...until now. I realize that this review is starting to sound very biased right off the bat, but aside from a couple little things this game could not be improved any. Many have complained that there isn't as much open-endness as promised by Molyneux. In response, I personally think that if the game was any more open-ended it would take away from the story and overall atmosphere. There is also no mini-map as well, which is very very good, but would make an open-ended world much too confusing. The major perks I got from Fable 2 are: Infinite Mana bar, tons of quests, the addition of jobs and real estate, and the sheer realistic approaches it takes. Obviously there are many unrealistic things in this game, but Realism and Fantasy are meshed quite well. The only things that I didn't like were the tedious menu navigation, loading times, and no option to discard items. These are all very easily overlooked though. Overall, this game is a must buy. 9.5/10