A little bit Final Fantasy, a little bit Grand Theft Auto, this game has it all. Fable 2 is sure to addict anyone.
GRAPHICS: The artistic value of this game is high, although technically it isn't the greatest game out there. While the environments are big and beautiful, some of the villagers you find look a bit repetitive (luckily they all have they're own personalities). You'd have to zoom in (which isn't done very well) in order to see they're faces clearly, especially on low-def televisions.
SOUND: The sound is pretty awesome. The voice-work is top notch, and you'll fall in love with all of the variations of the British accent you'll hear. The music is great and always compliments whatever environment you're in and the situation you face.
GAMEPLAY: The gameplay is where this game shines since there' just so much to talk about.
Doggy :): Yup, you get a doggie. You can't choose the type of dog that you want and he's the only dog in all of Albion, but he's yours. He proves useful and can attack fallen enemies, locate dig spots and treasures, and even impress people.
Combat: You'll grow to love the simplistic yet immersive combat system, which has you easily disposing of foes whether by sword, gun, or magic. While the selection isn't as great as it could have been, there are still excellent combinations for whatever fighting style you prefer. After you defeat enemies, the experience falls out in the form of visible orbs that you simply draw into you. This allows you to customize and save up for those abilities that you want, such as a high dexterity or the ability to zoom in with your gun.
People: I'm talking about the people roaming about the city. Each and every one has their own preferences in mind. You can interact with them simply by opening your bag of expressions. If you higlight them and press Y you can see their list of preferences. From likes and dislikes to sexual orientation, you get to see whether the person is your type or not and act accordingly. The might even give you a gift, depending on how they think of you. Of course, this being a Mature rated game, feel free to kill anyone you like! Just make sure you're willing to sacrifice the morality for it. Also, there are plenty of whores and loose citizens for you to take to bed wink wink nudge nudge.
Real Estate: All over Albion there are properties you can own by paying the price outside the door. This proves useful, especially since when you own a business or rent out a house, you will gain gold every five minutes of real time, even when the game is off. The better the property, the higher the gold. (However when you do turn off the game, don't expect to recieve 1,000,000 gold when you turn it on after a week, it will reach a maximum.) This is perfectly balanced and you'll always get the money you deserve.
Family Life: Interacting with people enough and building up your renown will get more people to fall in love with you. When they have a RED heart above their head it means that they are ready to be married. Give them a ring and take them to one of your houses (you need a house in order to marry, so think carefully before you propose to them). Once your married and moving into your house, you can then have children (assuming you're a heterosexual couple). Your family can give you gifts periodically, but it's up to you to keep them happy by setting a set amount of gold to be deducted in order to support them. While it's wierd how your spouse makes no income (even if you marry a trader or a shopkeeper) it still offers a realm of depth in the game.
STORY: Disappointing. The story serves no purpose in the game except to build up your renown or morality. The characters lack any real depth and development and you might even grow to hate them. Have no fear, the storyline is short and relatively easy in comparison to other RPG's. The beginning of the story does a nice job of setting up your story, but the rest takes a sharp nosedive. Don't play this game for the story, play it for everything else, such as the wealth of quests and the abundance of things to do.