Though a bit short, Fable 2 is a great sequel with many elements that should have been in the first game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Fable II X360
Released the same week as Far Cry 2, I wasn't looking forward to this game as much as Far Cry 2 and almost didn't purchase it. I'm definitely glad I did, though not quite the 100 hours I was expecting. I thought I did a majority of the side quests.

Excellent graphics, good sound, one button combat better this time around than the first game. Your dog is great and adds an element of depth to the game. Making gold is easy, side quests are fun, and the nps are amusing. The aging process really irritated me because it was not as smooth as the first game. Even if you do some of the extra side quests, you will still feel like you age instantly. Also, my hot warrior chick turned into an ugly, chunky, old lady by the end of the game and that was disappointing, haha. I wanted more control over how she looked.

But in the end, it was worth my money and I will probably play through as an evil character so the replay value is high.

Now all we need is The Elder Scrolls: Fable and we'll have a perfect rpg. :D