I love this game! It's just a bundle of fun, and is a great improvement from the previous title, Fable I

User Rating: 8.5 | Fable II X360
This game brings back memories from when I first played Fable I. It is a big imporvement from it's predecesor, and is alot of fun. It's relatively easy and should be no problem for people new to the series to get into. The choices in this game are more outreaching than the ones from the previous Fable, and the morality system is further extended not just good/evil, but pure/corrupt as well. The combat system is improved to include flourishes and counters, amping up the action a tad bit more. I will say that you may be a little disappointed for the lack of a real challenge, but Fable II really focues on just having fun, instead of being challenging. The magic system is a bit lacking from the first Fable, and it does have other quirks about it but if you could look past them you will really enjoy the game. For those who haven't played this game I really recommend them them trying it. Overall this game is really enjoyable and I guarantee that you will have alot of fun playing this game.