Fable II is the sequel to the favored Fable, this game is great, but needed a little improvement.
The story starts off as a choice for the player to be either a boy or a girl. You are a slum-dog, living on the streets in Bowerstone Old town, dreaming one day that it will all change for you. You and your older sibling then visit Mystical Murgo, who has a magical box for sale, granting one wish to each person who obtains it. So you and your older sibling go through the town, doing jobs for people in exchange for gold coins. Doing these jobs basically give you a preview of what's to come in the game, and how it can affect your status as good or evil, pure or corrupt. It's really what you choose to do. Eventually, you and your sibling buy the magical box from Murgo, and you go make your wishes. After you both wished, the box triggers, glows in the air, and disappears. You and your sister disappointingly go to sleep, only to be woken by strangers.
These strangers were palace guards, working for Lord Lucien, basically the King of Albion. He sent the guards to fetch the children and invite them to his castle, Castle FairFax. There, you meet up with his servant, Jeeves, who leads you and your older sibling to the study, which is where Lucien is waiting for you. As you meet Lucien, he tells you and your sibling to stand on a magical circle, showing that you and your sibling are heroes, because heroes standing on the circle will activate it. Lucien, in an attempt to destroy all heroes, which you'll soon figure out, shoots both you and your sibling, but you unrealistically manage to live, because of the Gypsy that finds you and takes you to her home. She heals and revives you, and eventually you're strong enough to live again and take vengeance on Lucien.
The story is basically yours after this. You will find that there's plenty to do in the world of Albion, side quests and jobs, finding buried treasure, getting married and having children, buying houses and properties, becoming good or evil, even getting fatter or thinner. The world is your playground, and you can do what you want with it. Another attribute that makes this game unique is that what you do, or don't do, affects the world around you, in both good and bad ways. This game is very creative when it comes to things like this, and you'll just have to find out what will happen on your own.
Fable II is definitely a game worth having, and one of the most unique, and somewhat realistic, game on any platform. I'd definitely say this game deserves an 8.5, maybe even a 9, but the game itself is pretty outstanding. This is definitely recommended to any RPG player.