So many people have complained about this game, but I have absolutely no clue why. The game was very well developed.
Multiplayer [6/10] -- This is where, I think, the game needs the most improvements. Getting them through content patches over LIVE would be a way to boost the game's rating. There were many problems with the co-op system, at least. I haven't played co-op on a single Xbox. So, for the problems on LIVE co-op: the camera system sucked, you can't use the right stick to look around. The only way to change the camera is the left bumper. Both the player and the henchmen have to be on screen.
That segways to my next problem and that's the fact that the two players can't get too far apart. They both need to stay on the screen, which I mentioned before and that doesn't make sense to me. If you're on separate systems, why need to both stay on screen? I could understand if both players had to stay in the same area, but not on the same screen. I don't see why that's needed.
To cure that they added the ability to teleport the henchmen to your side if they got too far behind, but that system always lagged. Another reason this rating was so low was because there's no way to have two main characters in the same world. It always needs to be a main character and a henchmen. Many players were hoping for a free roam system, but that wasn't delivered.
Combat System [10/10] -- The combat system by far was the best part about the game. You have three main ways to hurt people: melee, ranged, and will. Melee uses light, fast weapons and heavy, slower weapons. Such as swords and hammers, respectively. Ranged uses weapons such as crossbows, pistols, and rifles. Pistols are fast to reload but don't do a lot of damage, but they fire rapidly. Crossbows sit somewhere in between pistols and rifles. Whereas, rifles are slow to reload but pack a powerful punch.
Overall this system is great and it nearly saves the game from a horrible rating from Gamespot.
Graphics [9/10] -- The game's graphics are also excellent, but the reason the rating isn't a 10 is because they do have one problem. I have seen places where villagers walk into and through each other and there is a widely known glitch where Lady Grey gets stuck in one of the walls. Other than those two problems, the graphics are good and the environments are even better. Grass moves when the hero walks through it, which is a very nice touch in my opinion.
Sound [8.5/10] -- There's no problem with the sound but I really don't like how there's no voice or dialogue that comes from the hero. I don't like games where the main character talks, such as all three Fable games and both KOTOR games. Other than that, there's a good amount of varied sounds from various places.