Disappointing, doubtfull, buggy and easy. Nice dog though.
Fable 2 is a very pretencious game that allows you to play with the world of Albion, working, getting married, buying buildings and... that's it.
The game has some pros: is quite fun to play with the world, some kind of hack'n slash The Sims. There's some interesting caracters, some fun expressions, and lots of funny stuff that commoners says.
Some quests are very engagings, but you will probably spend most of your time playing with the world, doing side quests and getting richer.
The battle system is quite good and entertaining. Even after you maxed out (i'll talk about it later) it's still fun to slash and burn bandits and hobbes.
Well, now the list of cons:
Battle: There's few kind of enemies to fight. And it's very very easy to beat them. You'll max out your abilities quite fast and after that, there will be no reason to fight anymore. And they promissed that the dog would help you in battle what actually does not happen.
It´s too easy to make money, and you can buy potions for experience, what makes even easier to max out your abilities, what makes the game even easier. I felt very sorry for those who bought the Tavern games for Xbox Live Arcade, since they are lucky based, and it´s very frustrating (it's the harder way to make money).
It could look better. The graphics it's a little inferior for the today's standards.
And it's buggy. Not only graphics, colision problems, but the whole gaming system. Quests that does not dissapear from the list after being completed, stats that does not change when you change, unpredictable reactions from the same commoner, dog swimming away for good (try throwing the ball on the water), and the list may go forever.
And for a game that inpires you to do some kind of customization, there are few options for clothing, hairstyles and etc. Even Weapons are limited.
And, the worst of all, the Grand finalle. Grand? The end is very very disappointing. It's a very short game.
What I realise after spending lots of hours playing Fable 2 was that I was playing with a toy, not a real game. Challenge was easily bypassed and the whole experience is about living a life in Albion.
I recommend Fable 2 to people that are not looking for a real Adventure RPG, more for a social/casual game.