not for real gamers. ::Possible Spoilers::

User Rating: 5 | Fable II X360
I'll make this short.

You can't ever really die.

All jobs and quests are rather repititious.

No Armor, only clothes. So it's all pointless.

Constantly being chased by a dog. No real game function besides digging up treasure, which also seems to be pointless.

Guns fire unlimited amunition.

Exercize doesn't make you lose weight. You have to eat vegetables.

Game play is fun but not repeat fun like original Fable.

Graphics are actually pretty good. Cut scene graphics are outstanding.

Fact of the matter is I waited for 3 years for this game to come out. Hyped WAY up. I was let down. Quite a bit. This game was hyped up SO much that it seemed to be the game to end all games. But it turned out to be the game that sits in the collection that was quickly replayed. It could have been better if they just hadn't hyped it up quite so much, so it had such high expectations that may have been a little unrealistic and they definitely fell short on. Just an even more "cartoony" version of the original.

I give it 5 out 10. Worth playing but not if you have to pay 59.99.

And rent it before you buy it.