Surprisingly short...yet amazing
When one plays an rpg ...they expect a great story..which is the case in fable 2 only....not so different from fable 1...ur family is killed u're somehow drawn to be a hero...only presented differently.
now what about that deepness i talked bout first.
well the things you can do in the world are really great! i mean buying a house redecorating it moving in sleeping in it. wearing clothes dying them dying ur hair ....almost feels like the this game is so powerful that it actually incorporated another game in it.
But the point was to get that much deepness into the story too!
i mean seriously! if i didn't' stop from time to time and did some side quests and had jobs or whatever i would've finished the game in maximum 5 hours ( and that is really a maximum).
The battles are easy yet u're not annoyed of how easy they are because the system is great! you still have to hit a lot and you always take damage so..the easiness is hidden somehow.
the creatures u fight are not that innovative except the banshees but you don't need innovation in that kind of battling. one thing tho....the arena ( or crucible here) was REALLY disappointing! HUGELY! disappointing!
The other characters in the game are really forgettable...i barely remember the fights along them ( beside the huge shard fight). The dog is a nice add indeed altho having other dogs around wouldn't hurt.
Well i finished the game and i'm still playing it. Actually that's the good part...there are quests remaining and plenty of stuff to explore ( gargoyles, keys, some places that can't be opened at the time, demon doors...)...and of course wanting to buy bigger houses and marrying and having kids and divorcing and moving
n.b: However I had a feeling that the quests in fable 1 were much than here? if not then each one was actually consistent. I never forgot th equest where a village was attacked by a huge balverine it was awesome!
So here you go the only ,major bad thing about this game is hwo short the main quest was i hope fable 3 ( i hope there is a fable 3) would fix that.