Fable 2 is an decent RPG, but does have a fist full of problems.
Fable 2's story start of when you are a child. You and your sister are trying to find ways to make money to buy a mistic box. You go around and do small tasks for money and sonn you get the box. The box turns out to be a wishing box, and your wish comes true , well kind of. If your wish came true then there would be no game. Sure anough your wish is to live in a castle. You get invited to luciens castle. Lucein is this guy that loves studying the old kingdom and magic. He does this test and determines that you and you sister are going to get in his way. He murders you sister and then atempts to muder you, but he fails. This weird lady appears, and this dog that you save at the beginning of the game helps you get revenge on Lucien. From there you venture out trying to these three heroes that can help you kill Lucien
Fable 2 is about choice. Your action frame you character. If you do a lot of good things, then you character will look like a hero. If you do a lot of bad things then your character will look evil. You dog will also change depending on what you look like. The choices will also depend on how people react to you.
Fable 2 has a big focus on cambat. The cambat is pretty simple. One button swings your sword, another button fires you gun, and another button casts spells. There are a few types of anemies that you fight, but not a whole lot of variety.
Some of the things that you can do in Fable 2 that you can't do in most other RPG's is buy house and businesses and live in them or rent them out. You will get money and that will built up over time. You can also get jobs, that are pretty simple button pressing, like cutting wood or forgeing weapons.
This leads to a problem that Fable 2 has. It is way to easy to make money, which takes a lot of the challenge out of the game, especially since at the begginig of the game, you get buy some really strong weapons.
THis leads to another problem. Fable 2 is really easy. When you die in the game, you loose a little experience, then you get up and right where you left off. THis makes this game rather easy. Almost a bit to easy.
Another thing I forgot to mention in Fable 2 is that you can build strong relationships with people. You have your loyal dog, who you can interact with, but you can also get married and have kids. This is a cool feature, but this dog does not replace a real dog and I'm pretty sure that your family in Fable 2 does not replace a real family, but it is a nice touch.
On of my problems with Fable 2 is that the map seem quiet small and linear campared to other RPG's like Oblivion. Mot of the map is a small trail leading down to another small trail witha bunch of enemies to fight. The map is also not that interesting to explore. It is not that type of game that once you finish the main storyline that you want to go back and explore the world, becuase, there is not that much to explore. Thankfully there are other things to do like buy property and try to get as rich as possible, which can also be really fun.
Fable 2's graphics are nothing impressive. Theylook pretty good, but some character animation, when you see character running towards you from a distance, and sometimes character movement in general looks really choppy. The environments are also not that good looking. They look really cartoonish and don't have a lot of textures in them. The graphics just have a dated feel to them, but they look pretty good, but just not up to standard of most other X Box 360 games.
The sound in Fable to is pretty good. The music is good, and the voice acting sounds really good. THe voice acting is also pretty funny. The dog sounds realistic. Pretty much everything sounds good in Fable 2.
Over all Fable 2 is a good RPG, though it does not have a ton of replay value, it is still really good and worth giving a try.