Fun to play, but lacks in-depth story.

User Rating: 7 | Fable II X360
Pros: Huge world to explore. Lots of keys and chests to find. Fun hack, slash and dash fighting style. Numerous enemies to fight. Interesting eating and drinking concept. For example, eat too much meat and you get fat but eating celery slims your waistline. Treasure hunting dog was a great concept. The illuminated path was extremely helpful, however at times it would lead me in the wrong direction. Ability to modify your character at stores and buy stores was great.

Cons: Way too many town folk crowd your path when trying to have conversations. Selecting store front signs and dog can become nerving when trying to highlight. Could barely understand character speeches so using subtitles was a must.The story line was not all that in-depth. I had a hard time really feeling any worth in the game until I made it out of the Spire. Jobs were neat at first but got really old really fast when you began to climb levels at your job. Books became useless after you fully upgraded your dog and emotions.

In summary, this is a fun game to rent, but not own. There is always something to do in the game, however that something to do could get old like jobs or being ambushed. To be honest I forced myself to beat the game because I was so close to the end.