Good, not great.
There were some modifications made to the method of income over the second game, which appears to be implemented to keep the Hero poor, well, not poor, rather "less wealthy". There is a treasury room, where you can see the progress of your bank account in the form of a mountain of gold, yet to keep you from hoarding it all like a dragon or even Scrooge McDuck, you inevitably have to drop vast amounts of wealth back into the game for various reasons I won't spoil. One thing I WILL mention is that, like the previous Fable games, you can purchase properties across the world which generate income for the Hero, however unlike the other games, the properties depreciate over time, forcing you to funnel money into their upkeep. I mean, who wants to be a slum lord, really? The properties also generate less income the more they depreciate. All of this makes sense, and I wouldn't call it a bad thing, especially where they have a handy dandy map table of the world where you can apply your skills in property management, BUT by the end of the game, where you may or may not own every piece of manageable property, it takes for-!*^%!*%ever to make the necessary improvements to the properties to keep that cash flow moving. Message to the game designers: Next time, add an Improve All button. When I only have 3 hours to play, I don't want to spend just under an hour of that making renovations to a gypsy wagon in a field.
I hate to dwell on the income so much, but it was such a major element to the endgame that it spoiled the entire process for me. Quite the irritant. Could've been better, but hey, I paid $19 for it. I just hope they follow up on the promises they made for this entry with the next one.