Everything you love about Fable!!
Gameplay and frame rate are as smooth as I've seen in most major new releases. While that isn't saying much, the game is very playable and any slow down is hardly noticeable. I fought 25 hollow men and didn't see frame rate dip at all.
The visuals are stunning, the music stirring and that game is just plain fun. The only gripe I have is it seems that the DLC included with the game is not showing up in game. However, this may simply be because I am not far enough or it may be a glitch.
The game is familiar to all those who played Fable 2. However, there is enough freshness to make it feel like a new installment. The greatest blessing? No More MENUS!!! When you hit the start button, you are immediately ported to the hero's sanctuary, where there are rooms devoted to weapons, clothing, online options, trophies and achievements. Hitting start again takes you right back to the game.
Magic does seem over powered, however, at least for me, I like to play Fable using all my weapons (magic, melee and gun) in my fights. Nothing beats hacking and slashing a hollow man 3 times, shooting your pistol, blind, by pointing over your shoulder and dropping another hollow man, and chucking a couple fireballs to the hollow man on your left then finishing the first one you were slashing on with a flourishing kill.
Voice acting is superb, and it's nice to hear your hero have a voice in this installment. From reading some of the extra content in the strategy guide from Brady Games, all the extras are here: real estate, silver and new gold keys, treasure hunting, customization, polygamy, orgies and STD's. Yeah, those last two are in the game.
So, if you are a fan of the Fable series, go get this game!!! You will not be disappointed.