A big disappointment to a big fable fan.
I was a massive fan of fable 2 it was a good game, so I made sure I would get fable 3 when it came out, the excitement I felt putting that disc in my Xbox was unrivalled by any game I bought this year.
After finishing the game all I can say is I am very very VERY disappointed, fable 3 must be one of the most laziest games made this year, there have been no changes made to combat between 2 and 3, there have been no new spells added, your left with what you had in the second game, and a lot of things that have been changed have been changed for the worse.
An example of this would be the way in which you interact with other NPC's in fable 2 you had the 'expression wheel' which laid all you actions out clearly, however in fable 3 you have all the same expression (no new ones by the way) but you can only choose between three at a time.....and you can't choose which three. You are given the choice between a good, bad or just plan retarded action...why? What was wrong with the old system?
Another change that annoyed me was the introduction of having to repair rental properties, a good idea in theory, but when you own half the house in Albion do you really want to have to go round them all and repair them even 15mins, and you can't just leave them or you won't get money from them.
All of these things are annoying yes but the next thing pissed me off no end.
All way through the development of Fable 3 Peter Molyneux talked on about how you become the ruler of Albion at 'some point' of the game, later in the process of development he said this happened about 'half way through the game' WRONG!!! What he should have said was you become ruler when you are about 90% of the way through the game.
When you get to the Throne you realise why your brother was being such a prick, Albion faces a dark threat which is bent on destroying the country, a threat that Logan has been trying to build an army to combat. You have to no take over this job as ruler....you have 365 days to amass a ridiculous amount of money (£6.5m) to fund your army; the more money you get the less people will die. Simple sounding since you have a year, right? Again wrong.
You spend this part of the game making decisions as ruler making or breaking the promises you made on your way to the throne, this are made by either being good and keeping your promise which mean keeping everyone happy or breaking the promises annoying everyone but swelling the treasury.
I tried being a mixture of good and bad and as I had a lot of property making me money I was milking my holdings for all they were worth, planning to maximize profits and then sell everything off at the last moment so I could save the most citizens. I'll bet others had the same strategy (because it just makes sense). However, there's no predictability to the rate at which that last year ticks away. After each judgment was made the amount of time jumped heavily, from 365 days to 259 days to 120 days. The biggest kick in the teeth though was when the story went from having 120 days left in the year straight to end of game with no warning or opportunity to do anything else. It was a terrible disappointment, as this meant my treasury had only £2.2m resulting in have of Albion dying which after the credits rolled meant that half the world was empty.
I couldn't use any of the shops in bowerstone market since there owners had died; all my staff in the castle had died....everyone was dead which left the land very boring.
In the end this game fell down on its main selling point...being ruler which instead of being fun is more a case of making binary set choices that can only have 1 of 2 effects, This for me is a fatal flaw, a game should deliver on its main selling point which Fable 3 didn't.
A very disappointing game.