Game feels rushed.
The story failed to get me involved like Fable 2 did. Another giant error in judgement on Lionhead's behalf is how the player levels.
You will have trouble gaining levels from combat. If you want decent experience in this game, you have to do the quests. Combat is practically just for fun or survival.
Also, there are glitches. Most that I encountered were minor, like my dog pointing out treasure that wasn't there (or maybe unintentionally invisible treasure) or the glowing trail that guides you on quests telling me to zone into another area, then immediately telling me to go back the way I came.
All in all, the game has potential, and, despite the flaws, there were some genuinely fun parts. I recommend renting or borrowing a copy before deciding to purchase. I wish I had waited for it to hit the bargain bin at Gamestop.