Fable 3 is truly a good game, the new features are nice, yet some are annoying. I give this game an 7.5 because like i said, it's a good game but it lacks harder fights and a longer story. The Fable series has always been a favorite of mine, just good fun, and a wide verity of things to do, but in a games such as Fable 3 you have to have more to it than that, yes Fable 3 has a good story line but yet the enemies you face are pretty easy to kill, and not only that but the battle to overthrow your brother Logan is way to easy and fast to. Not only are the enemies pretty easy but the game is just to short, you only go to a few cities and then when you become king it goes but a bit to quickly. But i do like some of the new features, such as how you can upgrade your melee, ranged and magic weapons (and when i say magic weapons i just mean how powerful your magic is there is no actual magic weapons) as you progress through the game. I also like how if you are more melee based your character will be more short and strong and if your ranged your character will be tall and skinny. But i don't like some of the new features to such as how when you want to be friends with anyone (even your own child) you will have to do something for them like if you want to be friends with an adult you will have to do something like going and giving someone a book or finding a book for them and if you want to be friends with your child you have to buy them stuff, what ever happened to just simply doing a bunch of emotions and they love you? And i do not like how with the emotions there is no menu for emotions it's just walk up to someone press A and then press either A for a nicer more loving emotion or Y for an insult. Usually the emotions for A when you are not married or dating is Dance, Tickle, and Pat-e-cake. I do prefer this game, but i would buy it when the game is cheaper.
To me this is actually a big step forward from the 2nd fable due to the fact that fable 2 seemed like going around doing cheesy quests and has a terrible plot/boss. Ok lets get down to business... The story is a lot bet... Read Full Review
Fable III is a positive step forward for Lionhead, and I applaud them. Many additions were made to Fable this time around; including Spell Combos and an innovative new start menu that is a 'level' in its own right. Comba... Read Full Review