Fable III should have been amazing, However simple difficulty, glitches, repetitive missions makes you wanting more

User Rating: 6.5 | Fable III X360
When you come to the 3rd installment in a series you have to start looking at the games in a different way so to speak. You look back on what the previous games did in the series. And up to this point you could see how the original was far different then the 2nd one giving it a different look. My reaction is overall mixed. The writing in the first game was by far the best in that it put you in a great story where you cared about your mother, sister, the guildmaster, and actually had that great antagonist Jack of Blades that made the experience more magical and story like. What I feared came true when little by little they take the fantasy awesomeness that made the first game so great. (an Actual game) and overall simplified it the experience making it less fun. Turing it into a retail property game you will find that buying houses and stores is not as fun as it sounds.. Same with the boring work mini games.. it should not have been in Fable 2 and im even more mad it made its appearance in Fable 3. The Series went from being something of promise and hope only is on the downward trend towards horrid.. Lets just say that the next Fable game, Fable Journey is making me sick. But on to Fable 3..

The Story starts you off picking between a boy and girl, who is somehow the daughter/son of your Fable 2 hero.. however its not like your kids from fable 2 are playable, more like heres a new child you had (hinted at the DLC See the Future in Fable 2) but also you have an evil brother named Logan. Its hard for me to believe what they are saying since i had so many other kids in Fable 2 its hard for me to believe its related. They should have just made a new family unrelated like they did between fables 1 and 2 i feel it was horrible design choice. The main story is broken up into 2 different stories. The first when you go through a linear story where you must agree to what the people want in order to form an army against your brother. However you never feel any connection to any of the characters they just say there lines and are gone with.. never really being on your aid or team like feel. Less and Less is the moral system gets more skewed. You never feel any reason to being good or evil or any different paths, your still having to do the same thing. You have a new system where they break up all the leveling up and rpg elements left and destroyed it by making the road to rule system. Basically when you complete events you great transported to this area where you can buy upgrades based on the experience you collect. The game feels VERY broken up almost intentionally to give it a road ahead look.. only for the game to be over before you know it. Once you go through bull crap to prove to these nobody's you can kick ass you finally can storm the castle where your brother mite as well been crying like a baby wetting his pants at the moment you walked in the door. Surrendering faster then a french man. You become king like it was nothing.. Thus the New king where you will be given a choice to be evil and choose reapers designs where you f-over all the people you were force to ally with or go with there obviously better plan that cost more money but better for the people. Reaver is in it for the money.. so never pick him he is annoying and man do i wish i could have put a bullet in his head.. Alas i could not and fighting bull **** enemies spawns like this game was made by a bunch of retards. Unless you use the Money cheat or wait to make tons of cash you will be either All dead and poor, or alive and miserable with the choices you make. Its a sick joke that you have to exploit as a gamer and get around it. They want you take make the wrong choice like its realistic like a double edge sword. But Since its a video game you should not have to bother with such bull. The final boss is a joke like the whole game and you feel a strong disconnect to all the NPC's to point where they should look back to how they designed the NPC's in Fable 1 The Biggest problem with the game is that its the easiest thing ever. Not even flashy you never get any cool bosses or any cool fights, BORING CRAPPY have fun with wave after wave of thugs and undead and hobbs, and thats pretty much it.. The Magic is less cool then ever.. How?? by wearing gloves that give you magic.. Where as the old games like you mix and match on the fly, this time you have to wear the combo you like. Some are better then others but all the Magic spells are generic and to be expected. So there is a lot of negative in this game.. something this game has going for it, Your character should be a bad ass by the end of the game. I feel like the weapons and branching system where they change based on your style is very cool idea. Your weapons will not look the same as your friends. I like how every character has there own personality and you can really get creative. Alas the options are limited to an extent and more clothing options would have been nice as a feel the total number is like other fable games, but when you put added spotlight on character maker its the best in that regard but not by THAT much.. The Dog makes his return thankfully but not much added to it however its basically untouched from Fable 2. The Game is Glitchy what can i say? I have been involved in a number of bugs but none stands out to me more then when i was playing this game Co-op with a buddy on XBL and we were doing probably the most memorable missions in the game where you shrink down into a game of nerds and they basically give you the game in a nutshell its funny it retrospec. anywho we get to the end and we can't progress at first you could not jump down to the next section. Stuck on top of a hill. After a re-start back at the end of the level trapped where nerds are looking down.. I found it more humorous especially the mission we were playing.. forever stuck on game.. thats the feeling i get from playing this game.. Like Peter M. is looking down laughing at the gamers who play this game like its one big giant joke. Overall this game is a huge let down.. what should have been the next advancement in the series turned our to be a giant Fable 2.5 with dumbness flowing out of the characters and creators. Poor design choice. This was one of the easiest games i have ever played. Never died.. except the unfair DLC where the one guy has an like an everlasting lifebar compared to anything eles in the game and its just a THUG!.. The only thing going is that you are this ultracool character at the end of the journey.. all I am wondering is when does the real game start?? let me fight giant bosses like me actually USE my powers. With Swords, Guns and Magic you have all this power but very little to use it on.. its just a bad game and a set back in the series.. When/IF Fable Journey Comes out hopefully they can't get any lower then that mess..

Story: lame uninspired tale of getting the crown, basic to the extreme and you never are given a curve ball everything is predictable and boring just going thorough the steps. 3.0
Graphics: It looks great at least.. improving on the Fable 2 model, but sticking close to the same look. a modest step up. Cut scenes are a nice add as well.. it would have been cool for a few more areas to explore, Aurora looks the unique of any of the towns, but i feel like they could have done more. 8.8
Sound: Voice acting is annoying overall you might find yourself making fun of some of the lines spilled out by the NPC's Music though is still charming and pleasant as ever. Just because you have a lot of dialog does not mean its good.. 8
Gameplay: its fun.. for what it is.. bashing up enemies in different ways is fun the first few times but lack of boss fights or challenge makes the gameplay suffer. Follow that by a does a nails AI and lack of diversions makes this game barebones as ever. You have 6 character slots but outside of fanatics will find no need to play this game over once or twice.. 7
Multiplayer: BE GONE with the slave like multiplayer from Fable 2 Fable 3 give online and offline co-op with you and a friend. playing with a friend makes the enjoyment a whole lot better but hoard mode would have been a cool addition but is missing.. You can also share things with others as well (presents clothing weapons etc..) 8
Overall: a Let down for a big Fable fan.. expectations not met with this game. However its still an enjoyable game for what it is and can still have fun.. just way to easy to beat, way to short to beat and not satisfying just have to keep waiting hopefully Kingdoms of Amalur will bring healthy competition when it comes out early next year.. 6.7