fable 3 is a very good game but it is not one of the bests
so i make it quick
From my point of view fable 3 is a very good game although it lack
Some important thing
I begin whit the good
1. very good visual design
2. game has a charm that you don't see in the other games
3. your sword you guns your and clothing is really charming
4. making money is easy but fun you can play lut or making pie to earn money
And of course being a land lord is very useful and make you rich in no time
5. combat system is really nice you can fight with sword or hammer and guns and magic
and using of this thing is really easy and you can smash your enemy with every thing you like
6. sound track are really good too
7. how your sword and gun will become better trough time is really interesting
8. how you became friend with others is really fun
And now the bad
1. the game is too easy
2. your enemy will not attack you properly most of time they will wait till you kill them
3. there is limited choice for clothing and fight instruments
4.after some time making friend become boring
5. the expressions in talking and making friend with men and women are the same
You dance with a girl and then kiss her hand and do the same thing with the man
And you feel you are becoming gay :D and this is really annoy me
6. you cant choose between expressions
7. map is really annoying you cant see yourself and you face a lots of problems
8. some gesture remind me the sims
With all the thing that i say I think it is a good game at least for one time play
wish you the best