I chose a fraction that was in a since a Cop. LED.
After logging in there was no tutorial. There I stood at a beacon of light trying to figure out what it was I was supposed to do. I asked for help many times, no luck. The community of this game is very unhelpful unless your in one of there groups.
Anyway, 10 minutes into the game BAM I was shot, the others just stood there. I eventually figured out how to open up a barrier door by pressing E button.
I had a few quests so I think they were off onto the right side. So I started to run around and complete them. One of them was for scanning. I figured out how to use the merchant terminal and bought myself a gun and ammo and armor. I could not figure out for awhile how to equip these items.
Eventually I figured out I had to take them from storage and place them into my backpack then equip them. No one helped when I asked even how to do this. By this time iv spent 45 min within the game.
Now exploring, Running along I went to this one area, where i was halted by my own fraction stating I was not permitted to go any further. Or they would stop me.
About this time I gave up, No help, Limited exploring, No tutorial to assist a new player on what to do. And countless time spent just standing around waiting for someone to come along and open fire on someone. Only for them to get shot up.
Result: To me this game is more of a social Hard core RPG game. There is no FPS here, there is but its slow and choppy.
The areas graphics are nice.
The people are Unhelpful.
I suggest steer away from this one. This is worse than neocron!
1 star out of 10