At a first glance it seems that Face of mankind mostly because of the huge learning curve or the small player base(mostly because of a huge erros by the developers\publishers - releasing an unfinished game at a price too big for it's current value) spreaded amongst the numerous locations. Although, if you manage to resist deleting the game in the first hours you might actually get a good experience. Also checking the forums is a MUST if you wish to get the slightest idea about the game.Also you might want to check the website and make sure you check out the factions and choose the one you think fits you best. Unfortunately in the last period is seems that the developers - Duplex - somewhat neglected the game, but it seems that people are regaining interest in the game, especially with some good advertising from the community and publishers. If you have some 12 $ and don't have on what to spend them, you might want to check out Face of mankind...
I have somwhat mixed feelings about this game as I must confess. On one hand what we have here is a bold experiment to see what would happen if a community of players is given their own world to shape and are left in ... Read Full Review
Best MMORPG in my long career. It's truly immersive, you truly act as soldier if the army, you truly act as a policeman if the police, you truly act as politician, or even as a criminal if you wish. The potential of th... Read Full Review