The platforming of this game is too unforgiving, thus killing all enjoyment.
It has different difficulty levels and I started on the easiest. The enemies aren't tough to kill and you've got a variety of weapons, but it's extremely repetetive. I've only tried to get through the first story. I am at the final boss and I shut off the game. I may try again, but probably not.
The controls for the game would be good, if they just did what they should. On the PS3, you move with the left stick and attack with the right stick. Holding the right stick seems to queue up attacks, so you keep fighting even after the opponent is dead. The problem is the attacks also cause your character to move in the direction of the attack. This can lead to throwing yourself off the edge of the "cliff" and instant death. (You do respawn in the immediate area, minus your current weapon and a lot of your collected money)You're supposed to be able to power up your attack by holding the right stick in a direction. I've gotten the power-up glow, but the attack never seems to work. As you connect you build up rage which allows you to press R2 and unleash your pent up fury. However, when you release it, you can't move and end up attacking in one place.
The platforming aspects require extreme precision or timing. Most hazards that can be jumped are just shy of being as wide as your jump. The camera is usually pulled back too far to help you with your precision. This usually results in instant death. The mid level boss fight (which occurs twice) was an exercise in waiting to respawn, inflict damage, and die again. The first final boss scene is so frustrating it's not fun. You have to climb up the side of a steam operated pipe organ. There are three steps that open and blow out steam. You have to time your jumps so the floor sections are closed. However, the next section will close at the exact same time the section you're on opens. Getting caught in the steam exhaust doesn't just knock you down, it sends you flying into the lava moat around the organ.. and it's time to respawn at the bottom of the steps.
The fun of killing things and using the different weapons is totally sucked out of the game by the bad platforming.