A most realistic simulation. Maybe too realistic, but what the hell ? When you're in that Mig 6 o'clock, oh man, yip yip
But what those guys did was a great challenge and it gives a kick in the ass to previous simulations. It is really, really close to reality (how many times did I crash when landing ? ... hmm)
Too close in fact because it prevents sometimes to have a real good fun bombing, straffing or shooting... Manage all the keys on a simple keyboard is a small nightmare and become fluent with long practice.
Another thing that troubles me is a small support for non-english speaking players which can be hard for them to catch all the radio traffic.
Graphics are splendid when close but Z-buffer is a bit too short I think but, well, ok I am a perfectionnist !
Falcon 4 AF is a great F16 simulation game. Thats all !