Eve Online lite edition in first-person-shooter.
the developers of this game made it very logical, U dont have to use ur time crafting when u rather want to do quests, raid or pvp.
u even get xp from everything (except exploring).
u deal more dmg by doing headshots, but u can get lucky shots too that deal more dmg even when u dont hit the head (depends on ur rifleskill).
the character graphics are very good. but some few buildings aint that nice, but it will get a fix i guess.
The content is huge. alot of pvp areas and alot of mats gathering areas.
The group quests are very cool, like raiding a prison thats overwhelmed with mutants and prisoners and corrupt guards.
over 95% of the stuff can be playermade. and even on lvl 15 i got hundreds of diffrent stuff to craft.
the game is class-less, u make the character just like u want it too be. the best is to get in a clan so u get a designated crafter and everybody else is pvp players. atm im the clan-scout with sniper rifle. i spot enemies and do intel for my clan.
the pvp require alot of tactics to get effective kills, groups of 5 can take down groups of 10-15 even when theyr all lvl 45s.
the downside is that the fps shooting aint optimized yet. pvp wise its good since players dont get that rubberband movement. but it can be difficult to hit mobs when theyr running zigzag and moving fast around you. slow rifles is almost impossible to hit in close combat with.
the game is very balanced. there is no problem for a melee player to kill snipers and vice versa. all depends on tactics.