Fans of Fallout- Prepare to be disappointed Fans of apocalyptic MMO's- Prepare to be fascinated
Fallen Earth is great, just don't have expectations.
I like the combat. Melee and guns yay! Crafting bullets is useful, the aiming concept is well done, and the combat itself is ok too, just be sure to pick up the right weapon. Not too many 'combat bugs', just make sure your internet bandwidth is high or laging for over 20 seconds will result in not being able to attack even if it reconnects, and you can die easy if you don't attack fast (if it lags).
So you're a clone in the f-ed up world. The tutorial is very helpful. They are many well-known factions such as the CHOTA (Children of the Apocalypse), Lightbearers, Vistas, and more. You should really do your homework on the website to grasp the concept of the whole taking over "Shiva Virus" spread, and "taking over Arizona and Hoover Dam". Our last US president dies around 2050!!
Crafting is good, you can craft almost everything. Getting your skill to 45 is a bi*ch. Also, it takes TIME to craft. Lots of it. 60 sec+ to craft a band aid, 7 min + for clothes/armor, 10 min+ for weapons, even 24 hrs+ for a vehicle.
I love motorcycles! The free ATV (for signing up) SUCKS, get the free hat instead. Horses are the best overall. VERY easy to control, don't run out of stamina very fast. Feeding/Fueling is only twice a day for me. Fuel is about 200 "chips", feed is around 20-40. Horsies are efficient, vehicles fast.
Character building i like. You can't do EVERY detail (what I like), such as body type and editing specific facial features, but you pick out of about 20 faces, tattoos, piercings, and makeups. There is no standard "black" color. just a messed up gray, which is a disappoint.
The currency are "chips". Like poker chips. Theres white, blue, red, and yellow. White is the standard "cent". You sell many things for about 5-80 white chips. 100 whites for a blue, 100 blue for one and so on. Blues are your standard "dollar/paper" money. You'll earn your first blue chip within an hour. Your first red? Well it took me level 20 only because crafting is my addiction. If your more into money making/looting/sell/attacking, you should get yours at least level 10. :D
They are many "scavenging" nodes around. You can harvest plants and junk all over the wasteland. Stuff you kill duh. You can also skin plants and animals. Don't forget harvest those mines for leads and coppers!
You can learn different skills. Most important when you start is buying harvesting books so you can skin all animals and plants, and mine lead and copper and chemicals.
You as a standard clone will have "mutations", like going faster, "un-stuck" mutation, and stuff like that.
You can also buy things like degrading your opponents armor, pistol whip, and more for special attacks especially for bosses!
For bosses, get a team. Leader can choose Free loot/rotating loot. Peoples are nice in the game. You can join a clan at any time. Lots of them have vent and stuff and for helping others.
You share small XP and stuff.
Not AS MANY bugs as the beta testing at first, now they are less but still some and they are working on it. You can also submit the ingame. Bugs include, not being able to loot, weird flickering sky, and not fully loading instances and zones.
No fast travel. Travel is a bi*ch sometimes, but worth it. Questing is simple attack and turn it, tracking quests, stuff with objects, the works. I like FE for the basic world and apocalyptic environment.
Just visit the site for more info, or get the free trial.