Fallout 3 basic overview.

User Rating: 10 | Fallout 3 X360

When it comes to gaming Fallout 3 becomes one of the prime examples for opening up a world of adventure for many people that are playing it. The game starts with a very unconventinol prologue that helps the viewer indulge into their character by creating a character that is both original and your own model. Fallout 3s gameplay is really the best thing about the game, it introduces new ways to to experience a first person adventure that was brand new back on it's realise in 2008. The V,A,T,S feature helped to introduce new players into gaming by making the game more easily playable and less of a mindless shoot'em up, this increases the games appeal because it gives a new experience for everyone that's playing. The games massive map is probably the main appeal for this game and of course it's genre because it release's you into a vast open world for you to explore at your own accord, I believe this is the strong point for this game because it gives the player a sense of freedom that most other games don't have, this is shown in some of the other games that Bethesda have released like skyrim and it has been seen time and time again to be a fan favourite feature. Overall this is one of my favourite games because it gives you a challenge if needed so it can be picked up off of the shelves by pretty much anybody and learnt through experience. With the release of fallout 4 this November I hope that it's prequel is looked at a lot more by the fans of the game genre so that more people can realise what a great experience the've been missing. This has been TheFalloutGX and thanks for spending some time reading my thoughts on fallout 3.