This game is really amazing, from all of the roaming around in abandoned and not-so-abandoned buildings, to making game changing decisions, I had a complete blast playing the game. I actually have the game of the year edition, but i don't feel like posting on that. In this game, although many may say the story is weak, it is actaully very good. The story focuses on your dad, and how he's trying to purify the water. What I LOVE about this game is how expansive this game is, and that you can do whatever you want. You can kill almost everyone, you can be good or evil, and you can shoot 5 mini nukes at a time! I was amazed at how much time I had spent on this game. After I finished the entire thing, I looked at my play time, and it was 134 hours and 24 minutes(thats kinda sad). The only trouble with this game is that there many bugs and glitches. The game has a little "lag" if thats possible, especially on point lookout. I could hardly play the add-on because i had to restart my system every 10 minutes. But throwing that aside, the game is spectacular and can be compared to nothing else. Fallout has definitely created a new era of gaming
When I purchased the game on the 28th, I wasn't expecting what I received. I'm sure no one was. From the screenshots, from the trailers, and from the developer interviews, every person has different thoughts and hopes.... Read Full Review
Fallout 3 The Fallout series has originated on the PC, but now, it has come to the consoles. While hardcore fans wanted the same crazy Fallout game world, this game is more console orientated, it's more casual. That's n... Read Full Review