Post-Apocolyptic RPG Goodness
Now, years later Fallout 3 hits the PC / PS3 / 360
And this franchise comes back in style. Sadly leaving behind the turn based battle system for a realtime FPS style RPG which is a bit of a downer but works well regardless.
Graphics wise this game is top notch, with the huge open world enviroment you could be forgiven for expecting low graphics and rough patches but there really isn't much of that. Even popping someones head like a balloon with a shotgun shows a surprising, and gory amount of detail...lovely!
Gameplay wise this game can play as one of two things; and RPG or a standard shooter depending on how you build your character, there are some glitchy moments in the game where things don't always go to plan but its forgivable.
Voice acting...not as bad as oblivion...thats about as much i can say on the subject, needs a bit of work but at least every character isn't voiced by Patrick Stewart in Fallout.
Replayability comes by the barrell full with this game, Plenty of DLC to keep you going, not to mention the 100s of locations, side missions and collectables to hunt down. It would take weeks of gameplay to 100% this game, time well spent.
You could list a few problems with this game, you can nit-pick all the little glitches but i see this game the same way i saw the previous two games many years ago - Something completely unique. This is a game well worthy of praise, lets hope Fallout 4 won't take this long again to be released.
If anyone out there wants my humble opinion, this game should be in everyones collection.