Fallout 3 is the best RPG of this generation so far.

User Rating: 9 | Fallout 3 PS3
Fallout 3 drops you into a post apocalyptic Washington D.C with a character completely customizable and unique. The game is a first person shooter at first glance but it is really an in depth RPG with a lot of player options and roads to take. The map is huge and there are hours of side quests to explore outside of the main story line which can be completed in around 20 hours. The graphics and style are beautiful and the gameplay is great. The only thing that brings this game down to a 9 is the large number of glitches and freezing in the game. I had to restart after my first file was corrupted. This was only a minor problem seeing that the game is so much to play, the only advise i can give is keep a lot of save files. The story line is good and keeps you going on your quest and with the 5 more DLC available you can remain entertained for hundreds of hours. If you haven't played Fallout 3 yet give it a go and you will not be disappointed.