Fallout 3 is an amazing RPG/FPS set in a wide-open post-apacolypsic world
Anyway, the gameplay is addicting and fun. Exploring is something you'll find yourself doing often, not because you have too, but because you actually WANT to find those subways and buildings to explore, clear-out, and loot. The looting is great, especially since "caps" or money is vary scarce for quite awhile. At the beginning of the game, you'll jump up and down for 20 bullets or 20 caps. Pretty much, Fallout 3 is quite tough on new characters. as you level up, things get easier. Then almost too easy. Not to worry though, Fallout 3 comes equipt with a "very hard mode" to keep it from getting rediculously easy. When you level up in Fallout 3, you put some skill points on different skills, like lockpicking, hacking, big guns, or barter. All of which have important uses. After that, you can pick from a ton of 'perks' which will give you anywhere from big skill point boosts, to adding to your attribute points, or to do something like adding to V.A.T.S accuacy or decrease Radiation.
Combat is a ton of fun too, you can play in the super-cool V.A.T.s mode, which freezes time and lets you select a limb of the enemy(or torso, or head) and you get a percentage of what the chances are to hit that limb. You cannot spam V.A.T.S(mostly, one of the perks will let you though. But you have to be a level 20 to access it) because its limited with 'action points'. The traditional FPS is fun too.
In Fallout 3, the Captial Wastland is huge. Like really big. Theres a few citys, but only 2 of which you can live in. And you have to make a choice of which one. But I'm not going to give out spoilers. The civilization within them are pretty believable too. There are a ton of marked and unmarked quest to do and complete.
The graphics are great, not rediculously awesome, but great none-the-less. The voice acting and soud effects are nice too, and plus Liam Neelson plays a role!
Overall Fallout 3 is a ridiculously awesome game that you will have no regret playing.
The Good
-Huge landscape
-Tons of quests
The Bad
-Some glitches
-Gets easy later in the game
Singleplayer: 9.2
Really good, a lot of fun and huge.
Story: 6.3
Not memorable at all, but good enough to make you feel like your doing something thats not a fetch quest.
Graphics: 8.2
This world is huge, so the graphics aren't going to be as good as shooter or action/adventure. But even still, they are very good.
Sound: 7.9
The guns sound ok, but the voice acting is very well done. There is hardly any soundtrack so you might as well play your own stuff.
Immersion: 9.2
When you see the reload animations, you remember your playing a game. But its so easy to get sucked into the wastland.
Replay Value: 9.4
You will pick this up again after you finish it. Maybe even twice.
Overall: 9.2
Amazing game, I loved Fallout 3 and I think anyone would too.