If i wanted a linear fps i would have purchased one of the other thousands of games

User Rating: 1.5 | Fallout 3 - Operation: Anchorage PC
This DLC is a 1hour computer simulation mission (you literally enter a simulation machine and travel back in time to a chinese vs american war where you have to take back the anchorage)

First off, i was so sick of this dlc after the first 5 minutes that i just typed in a cheat to run 1000x faster and can run through walls just so i could complete the objective and be DONE with it. All i wanted to do was return to the beloved fallout wasteland.

Honestly i think this was bethesda's idea of proving that they also can make a solid linear first person shooter game. If anyone walked into the room and saw me playing they would think i was playing the campaign to bad company 2. Except a much much more boring version of bad company 2. I don't know if bethesda was trying to be funny or something but there was health and ammo stations glowing a cartoonish red.. And chinese soldiers just aimlessly looking over a cliff to give you the opportunity to sneak up behind him and knife him. It was an exact replica of a linear fps. All your perks are gone, no more vats, no more looting corpses, no more exploration, no more weapon repair.. Ugh it was just so boring. It did however look nice and blue and pretty with the snow and the mountains.. It just felt cold. But other than that i just wanted this mission to be over ASAP so i could get back to fallout 3.. Idk what this was all about but the other DLC's are so much better.